update: 2011.5.1


Working with black and white darkroom collages, Isa Lorenzo has garnered followers and collectors from all over the world. Lorenzo's silver gelatin works, tackling memory, fleeting circumstances and personal history, are simultaneously delicate and alluring. A graduate of the New School Parsons School of Design, with a Masters Degree in Media Studies/Photography, Lorenzo has shown at the Museum of Modern Art, the International Center of Photography, and the Thomas Werner Gallery, all in New York City; at the UNESCO House in Paris; and at the Cultural Center of the Philippines and Silverlens Gallery in Manila. She is the Founder and Creative Director of the Silverlens Galleries in Manila, 3 independent art spaces (Silerlens, SLab, and 20Square) specializing in contemporary art (2004). She established the Silverlens Foundation in 2006 which awards grants annually to photographers and artists working with photography.

About works / performance
I usually start out with a wall filled with contact sheets and I stare at them for hours and remember: that it happened between this and that; I saw it, but only I did. Did it happen? Yes, I took a picture. This is the picture. But somehow I remembered it differently. Memory is never like reality. Reality is the sum of an action, its reactions, effects, and consequences, which beget more actions. Images are not all that different. The images I am trying to make, these photographic collages done in the darkroom, make for entire stories in the layered juxtapositions of their content, placements, and densities. 

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