About Residency Programs

About Residency Programs

These programs offer creators a period of residence at TOKAS Residency or at affiliated overseas residency programs to engage in the creation of works or research. During their residencies, programs open to the public such as the OPEN STUDIO provide opportunities for the creators to present their works. The contents of support provided during the residency periods differ depending on the program.

International Creator Residency Program

Offered in this program are opportunities for accomplished creators from abroad to engage in new creative activities through individual projects they are engaged in or, through theme projects in collaboration with Japan-based creators participating in the Local Creator Residency Program based on a common theme. For a residency period of about three months, we provide support for creation of works or conducting research.

Contents of supportAirfare, living expenses, fee for creative work/project, living space (single room), shared studio space
Residency periods3-month periods in May to July / September to November / January to March

Exchange Residency Program

A two-way exchange program is conducted in affiliation with overseas art spaces and residency organizations, with each sending Japanese creators abroad and receiving overseas creators.

Contents of supportJapan-based creators sent abroad: Airfare, living expenses, fee for creative work/project
International creators from abroad: Living space (single room), shared studio space
Residency periodsJapan-based creators sent abroad: Differs by affiliated residency destination
International creators from abroad: 3-month periods in May to July / September to November / January to March
Partner Institutions
Atelier Mondial (Basel, Switzerland)
Callie’s/ The City of Berlin (Berlin, Germany)
WIELS/Government of Flanders (Brussels, Belgium) 
HIAP [Helsinki International Artist Programme]/ Finnish Cultural Foundation (Helsinki, Finland)
18th Street Arts Center (Los Angeles, United States)
Centre Clark/ Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (Quebec [Montreal], Canada)
SeMA Nanji Residency (Seoul, Korea)
Treasure Hill Artist Village/ Artist-in-Residence Taipei (Taipei, Taiwan)

Local Creator Residency Program

Offered in this program are opportunities for local creators in Japan to dedicate themselves to the new creation and artistic activities through thematic dialogues and discussions with international creators.

Contents of supportLiving expenses, fee for creative work/project, living space (single room), shared studio space
Residency period3-month period in May to July

Curator Residency Program

This program aims to invite distinguished and highly motivated curators in the fields of curation, art criticism, and cultural research from all over the world and to offer them opportunities to conduct research in Tokyo.

Contents of supportAirfare, fee for research/project, living space 
Residency period1- to 3-month periods in May to July / September to November / January to March

Local Emerging Creator Residency Program

This program is for Japan-based emerging creators who wish to develop their careers by means of overseas activities in the future. It supports their creative activities and also provides opportunities for exchange with international curators and to receive advice from them.

Contents of supportLiving expenses, fee for creative work/project, living space, shared studio space 
Residency period60 to 90 days periods in September to November / January to March

Research Residency Program

This is a program for creators from Japan and abroad in a variety of genres, from artists, curators and administrators to architects, designers, composers and writers, to conduct research in the arts and culture or research for their own new creative activities.

Contents of supportLiving space (single room)
Residency periods6 to 12 weeks in May to July / September to November / January to March (Available period differs by year)

Curator Talk

A mini-lecture series in which curators participating in the Curator Residency Program will introduce their activities and the art scene in the countries/regions where they are based.


The TOKAS Residency studio space is used for exhibiting works created and research conducted in residence and for the artists themselves to give presentations on their activities and works. Also, TOKAS activities are promoted widely to the public through programs like facility tours and introduction to affiliated overseas organizations for our Exchange Residency Program. Furthermore, we organize events to provide opportunities for sharing information and dialogue about various issues in the art world.

Our Facilities