Tokyo Arts and Space (TOKAS) is an arts center dedicated to the creation and promotion of contemporary artistic expression from Tokyo, and supports a wide spectrum of artistic activities including crossover and experimental projects. Established in 2001 as Tokyo Wonder Site (TWS), an initiative for the support and nurturing of young artists, it was renamed Tokyo Arts and Space in 2017.
With its mission to provide ongoing support for emerging and mid-career artists, promote creative international cultural exchange and offer support for cutting-edge and experimental creative projects, TOKAS is implementing a variety of programs including presenting works by young creators, themed exhibitions, performances and open call contests, as well as operating artists-in-residence programs for international and local creators in Japan working in a variety of fields. With two main venues, TOKAS Hongo, as a facility for presentation of works, and the TOKAS Residency, where residing creators can create works, TOKAS provides ongoing support for contemporary creative activities through various programs, and will continue to nourish the rich culture of the metropolis of Tokyo, where diverse expressions are welcomed. In addition, Tokyo Metropolitan Government and TOKAS have established the "Tokyo Contemporary Art Award" in 2018, and hold an exhibition of works by the winners at Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo.
We provide a variety of opportunities for artists to benefit from ongoing support through such programs as our “TOKAS-Emerging” that gives artists 35 years old or younger opportunities to show their works, the “ACT (Artists Contemporary TOKAS)” a group exhibition that is primarily for artists who have participated in our TOKAS programs and gained experience in their fields, and “Tokyo Contemporary Art Award” co-hosted by Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
Through various residency programs, such as the Exchange Residency Program with our affiliated overseas organizations (sending creators abroad and inviting overseas creators), the International Creator Residency Program, the Research Residency Program and the Local Creator Residency Program, we aim to encourage international and Japanese creators and people involved in our TOKAS programs to meet and connect with each other, as well as striving to become a hub for exchange between talented creators by welcoming projects in a broad range of artistic genres.
We seek to create a platform that welcomes diversity in values primarily through our open call “OPEN SITE” program for executing cross-genre, crossover and experimental projects, as well as the “TOKAS Project” in cooperation with internationally active cultural organizations and curators.
The design expresses the activities and environment of
Tokyo Arts and Space that bring together the “visions embodied in the artists’ works” and “the appreciative and critical eyes of the audience” in a process of mutual stimulation.
Published in 2022