Rubén D’HERS 

Residency Program

Institutional Recommendation Program

update: 2022.10.12

Rubén D’HERS

Participating ProjectInstitutional Recommendation Program
Activity BaseGermany
Period 2022.6 - 2022.7
Purpose of the residency

My purpose during my stay at TOKAS in June and July 2022 is to complete the lines of work initiated during the online residency held between October and December 2021, as well as the preparation and set-up for the 2021 residents' results exhibition at TOKAS Hongo.

Plan during the residency
  • Collection / purchase of materials and objects in the surrounding areas of TOKAS for the creation of potential sound objects to be included in the result exhibition.
  • Drawing / painting.
  • Field recordings
  • Building and programming sound objects/installation. 
  • Set up of work at TOKAS Hongo
Activities during the residency

I continued the practices initiated during the online residency held between October and December 2021, this time experiencing Tokyo in person. Besides the preparations of the works for the results exhibition at TOKAS Hongo I created a new sound work that was included in the show. I made sound field recordings in the city mostly in the afternoon and also recorded cicadas in different parks in Tokyo but also in the nature (Aburatsubo bay, Kanagawa Prefecture). I attended to several concerts and exhibitions and performed two concerts in venues focused on noise and free improvised music. Towards the end of my stay, I presented a sound installation for the Sound Art class of Nao NISHIHARA at the Tokyo University of the Arts.

Outcome of the residency

The assembly and installation of the paintings and sound objects for the exhibition was successfully carried out.                    
- The production of a new work was shaped materially and conceptually from the limitation of finding objects (bulky waste) by the streets of Tokyo. This new work opened a conceptual and aesthetic path that draws on the absence of objects to evoke their sound.
- I collected sound and visual material that will play a fundamental role in the creation of new paintings and sound installations.
- A worthwhile exchange with the students of the sound art class at Tokyo University of the Arts, after having made a presentation of my work.
- I played two concerts with Aquiles HADJIS in experimental music related venues in Tokyo.

Extinct Condenser Coil 2022 
Sound object, Extruded polyesteren, acrylic glass, steel strings, hooks, transducer, amplifier and cable Photo: TAKAHASHI Kenji, Photo courtesy of Tokyo Arts and Space 

Extinct Condenser Coil 2022, Detail. 
Photo: TAKAHASHI Kenji, Photo courtesy of Tokyo Arts and Space

Standing Wave Services 2021, Detail 
Photo: Rubén D’Hers

Standing Wave Services 2021 
Sound object: Half of an acoustic guitar, refrigerator top lid, dc motors, rubber cords, transducer, amplifier, cable and computer, 110x110x50 cm.

General view of the exhibition
Photo : Rubén D’Hers

General view of the exhibition
Photo : Rubén D’Hers

Tinnitus Reliever 2022, Detail
Photo: TAKAHASHI Kenji Photo, courtesy of Tokyo Arts and Space

Drone B Maj7 2021 
Acrylic on canvas. 130 x 99 cm
Photo: TAKAHASHI Kenji Photo, courtesy of Tokyo Arts and Space

Tinnitus Reliever 2022 
Sound installation: Acrylic on canvas, PVC harp, microphone stand, dc motor, cable and computer, Variable dimensions
Photo: TAKAHASHI Kenji Photo, courtesy of Tokyo Arts and Space

Second Hand Air 2021
Acrylic on canvas, 100 x 60 cm 
Photo: TAKAHASHI Kenji Photo, courtesy of Tokyo Arts and Space

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