2003年ヘルシンキ・シアター・アカデミー修了(コレオグラフィ)。主な活動に「#CHARP」(Research Pavillion、ヴェネツィア、2017 )、「Seasons as Choreographers: Where Over the World is Astronaut Scott Kelly?」(ヘルシンキ・シアター・アカデミー、2016 )など。
pompom, 2017, choreographic installation in collaboration with Vincent Roumagnac and Nao Yazawa, TOKAS Residency (image: Vincent Roumagnac)
pompom, 2017, choreographic installation in collaboration with Vincent Roumagnac and Nao Yazawa, TOKAS Residency (image: Vincent Roumagnac)
A dancemat, 2017, performative installation, courtesy of the artist (image: Vincent Roumagnac)
Seasons as Choreographers: Where Over the World is Astronaut Scott Kelly?, 2016, performative installation, courtesy of the artist (image: Vincent Roumagnac)
scaling, 2016, performance, courtesy of the artist (image: Vincent Roumagnac)
Mesh, 2016, video (1', color, sound), courtesy of the artist (image: Vincent Roumagnac)