Allison MOORE

Allison MOORE


Graduated from Concordia University in 2005.

Recent 5 main activities (personal exhibitions, group exhibitions, concerts) are
-"PHOS Festival Photo and Art", group, Quartier General, Matane Quebec, 2017
-"Mois-Multi", group, Centre Regart, Quebec, 2016
-"Video Terrariums", solo, Paved Arts, Saskatoon, 2015
-"Ao Norte do Norte", group, Museo Dos Artes do Belem, Belem, Brazil, 2014
-"Itinerarium", Solo, OBORO Gallery, Montreal, 2014

Other activities (including awards received) are
-The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada - Graduate Research Fellowship
-Production Grant to create a 35 Video screen Mosaic wall in Place-Des-Arts Montreal, QC
-VR-RV German-Canadian Exhange in Virtual Reality with Goethe-Institute, Mutek_IMG and RDIM

Allison Moore is an artist, educator and cultural operator. Active in the artistic community in Canada and abroad, she has participated in numerous exhibitions, residencies, workshops and events. Moore's works reinterpret and rebuild the world as a metaphoric landscape in which sensitive beings are in synergy with their allegorical macrocosm.

About works / performance

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Coastal Terrarium, 2017, 3-screen immersive video installation,
credit: Allison Moore

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Urban Terrarium, 2017, Video mapping installation,
credit: Allison Moore

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The Enchanted Woods, 2014, 3-screen immersive video installation view at OBORO, credit: Paul Litherland

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Suburb Terrarium, 2014, 3-screen video installation, installation view at PAVED ARTS, credit: Allison Moore

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Tidal Drift
, 2016, Architectural Video Mapping Event, Fog Alarm Building - Saturna Island, BC, credit: Allison Moore

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Água dos nortes, 2014, Live shadow performance with video mapping onto windows of buildings, credit: Camila Failho

Our Facilities