Duong Cam HOANG

Duong Cam HOANG


Hoang Duong Cam's work includes photography, painting, video and sculpture to encourage the viewer into a world of free association, playful and imaginative in nature. Born in 1974 in Hanoi and currently based in Ho Chi Minh City, he graduated in 1996 from the Hanoi Fine Art University. Notable recent exhibitions include Fluid Zone, Jakarta Biennale, Jakarta, Indonesia (2009); Post-Doi Moi: Vietnamese Art after 1990, Singapore Art Museum, Singapore (2008); Intrude: Art & Life 366, Zendai Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai (2008); Migration Addicts - a collateral event of the 52nd Venice Biennale (2007); Thermocline of Art, New Asian Waves, ZKM | Museum of Contemporary Art, Karlsruhe, Germany (2007); and Belief, Singapore Biennale, Singapore (2006).

About works / performance
In my working process, I always start with a new conceptual idea, take some time for contemplation, develop the idea into visual materials. Then I have to decide what media I should use and then choosing the best appropriated materials to realize the work. The media I have worked with are painting, sculpture, installation, photography and video / animation.

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