David Azagra

David Azagra

Born in 1974. Graduated from the Rimsky-Korsakov St. Petersburg state conservatory in 2010.
Recent main activities are conducting Mariinsky Theater ballet "Romeo and Juliet" composed by S. Prokofiev, conducting Young Russian Philarmonie and soloists of the Mariinsky Theater (St Petersburg, Russia, 2008), composing original music for Nacho Duato's première ballet as artistic director of the Ballet at the Mikhailovsky Theater (2010), conducting Mahler "4th symphony" (2011), conducting Mahler "Song of the Earth" (symphony for contralt and tenor and orchestra) (2011).
About works / performance
I work with music as a material unto which we can reflect upon emotions and direct experience of the dramaturgy of our own nature.
As a composer, I try to give it its peculiar frozen shape, that it takes when it becomes a musical score.
As a conductor, i execute it in 2 different levels.
First, i try to shape the musical composition considering the fluidity and 'watery' consistence of sound, as if shaping a fluid.
Second, i prepare the musicians in the orchestra to perform in the specific auditorium in which the music will be performed.

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