Christian Rizzo

Residency Program

Institutional Recommendation Program

update: 2019.11.21

Christian Rizzo

Participating ProjectInstitutional Recommendation Program
Activity BasedFrance
Period2011.9 - 2011.09
Purpose of the residency

Christian and Iuan-Hau chiang a taiwainese artist are here to finalize a video installation for the French Insitute of Tokyo. This installation will be presented from the 16th of September to the 9 of October 2011 there. The title of this installation is " Tourcoing, Taipei, Tokyo". It's 3 films in 3D and animation. Christian and his mananger Catherine Meneret are also here to promote his works in performing arts and to organize a tour in 2012 with a solo "b.c, janvier 1545, fontainebleau"

Plan during the residency

15 days to finalize on computer the films and 5 days to make the set-up of the installation in the French institute of Tokyo.

Creator Information

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