Christian RIZZO

Christian RIZZO

update: 2011.9.1

Born in 1965 in Cannes, Christian Rizzo took his first steps as an artist in Toulouse, where he started a rock band and created a line of clothing before studying visual arts at the Villa Arson in Nice. Serendipitous encounters led him to the stage. In the 1990s, he performed with numerous contemporary choreographers, sometimes responsible for their soundtracks or costume creation, for instance with Mathilde Monnier, Hervé Robbe, Mark Tompkins, Georges Appaix. He then explored other artistic approaches with Vera Mantero, Catherine Contour, Emmanuelle Huynh, and Rachid Ouramdane.
About works / performance
In 1996, he created the "l'association fragile" and presented performances, dance pieces, solo or group pieces, alternating with other projects or commissions for fashion and visual arts. Since then, over thirty productions have come to fruition.
Christian Rizzo regularly teaches in art schools in France and abroad, as well as in institutions dedicated to contemporary dance.

In 2009, Christian Rizzo directed a play for the Ballets de l'Opéra de Lyon, entitled ni cap, ni grand canyon, and curated the exhibition, Le sort probable de l'homme qui avait avalé le fantôme, in Paris at the Conciergerie as part of the Nouveau Festival du Centre Pompidou.

In 2010, he created l'oubli, toucher du bois at the Opera de Lille and directed three operas: Erwartung and Pierrot lunaire by A. Schoenberg and La Voix humaine by F. Poulenc, a production of the Capitole Theater in Toulouse.

In Japan, he was responsible for the exhibition as me as a dog as... a series of photos presented as part of the Yokohama-France Video Collection 2010 (at the Red Brick Warehouse, curated by Stephen Sarrazin).For the 2010-2011 season, he is the associated artist at deSingel - Antwerp - Belgium - and is proposing exhibitions, events, and performances as part of his residency. He is the invited artist/professor at the Fresnoy (National Studio for Contemporary Art, in Tourcoing, France) and also conducts workshops with the company, L'Oiseau Mouche, in Roubaix, France.
Since 2007, l'association fragile / Christian Rizzo has been in residence at the Opera de Lille.


Tourcoing, Taipei, Tokyo (TTT) 
2011 Christian Rizzo


Tourcoing, Taipei, Tokyo (TTT) 
2011 Christian Rizzo


l'oubli toucher du bois 
2010 Marc Domage


b.c, janvier 1545 fontainebleau 
2007 Marc Domage


Soit le puits était profond, soit... 
2005 Marc Domage


100% polyester, objet dansant n°( à définir) 
1999 Caty Olive

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