OPEN STUDIO 2018-2019/ November

Open Studio

OPEN STUDIO 2018-2019/ November


TitleOPEN STUDIO 2018-2019/ November
Date2018.11.9(Fri) - 2018.11.11(Sun)
Time11:00 - 17:00
OrganizeTokyo Arts and Space (Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)
VenueTOKAS Residency
Artist<International Creator Residency Program>
Andreas HARTMANN (Germany | Film)
LIM Sokchanlina (Cambodia | Photography, Video)
Sornchai PHONGSA (Thailand | Installation)

<Exchange Residency Program>
Yala JUCHMANN (Germany | Photography, Painting)
Jonna KINA (Finland | Film, Installation)
Almudena LOBERA (Spain | Drawing, Installation)

<Research Residency Program>
DAO Thanh Hung & PHAM Phuong Thao (Vietnam | Film) *Exhibit Only

【Participant of Tandem Paris-Tokyo 2018】
Anne XIRADAKIS (France | Design)
ContentOpen Studio is a special occasion for the audience to see the creative process of residing creators and to hear their talks and discussion with guest speakers.

On 11/10 (Sat), six creators will give talks, and a special talk will be held by Andreas HARTMANN and our guest TSUZUKI Kyoichi on 11/11 (Sun). HARTMANN has stayed in Vietnam, Myanmar, Japan and portrayed young people who resist the traditional notions of religion, politics and society and strive for freedom in the works including "A Free Man"(Japan) and "My Buddha is Punk"(Myanmar). In Tokyo, he researched the phenomenon of "evaporated people" in Japan where thousands are said to disappear every year and explored general and common human desires, longings and fears in the possibility of vanishing without a trace and starting a new life. What is freedom in contemporary society where moving and traveling become part of everyday life and that we seem to have obtained the freedom through mobility? Our guest, TSUZUKI Kyoichi, who has been to many places not only in Japan but all around the world and has interviewed a great diversity of people, will share his stories.

Facility Tour / Information Display:
- Visitors will have an opportunity to see the rooms and common spaces where creators stay and communicate with each other.
- We provide the information on the partner institutions of exchange residency programs and answer any inquiries by visitors.

Partner Institutions:
Berlin City, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien (Berlin, Germany) Matadero Madrid (Madrid, Spain) The Finnish Cultural Foundation, HIAP (Helsinki International Artist Programme) (Helsinki, Finland)

Andreas HARTMANN, A Free Man, 2017, Video, HD, 75 min, © Andreas Hartmann

LIM Sokchanlina, National Road Number 5, 2015, C-Print/photo, 76cm x 96cm,

Sornchai PHONGSA, Mon's Spirits Totem, 2017, Mixed media, Dimensions variable

Yala JUCHMANN, Exhibition view (detail):OTOLITH_inside out, 2017, wallpaper, painting

Jonna KINA, Somnivm, 2018, 35 film transferred to 4K, 12 min 39 sec, 8.1 

Almudena LOBERA, Return to Light State, 2016, Open frame, threads and glass wall. 50 x 40 x 55 cm (piece) / 250 x 120 x 1 cm (glass)

Participant of Tandem Paris-Tokyo 2018

Anne XIRADAKIS, Formes de Gestes, 2017, © Anne Xiradakis

Related Event

Talks by residing creators
TitleOPEN STUDIO 2018-2019/ November
Talks by residing creators
DateNovember 10 (Sat) 14:00-16:00

(Andreas HARTMANN will give a talk on November 11.)

*No booking required / With Japanese - English interpreter
*Programs may change due to unavoidable reasons.
Special Talk
TitleOPEN STUDIO 2018-2019/ November
Special Talk
DateNovember 11 (Sun) 14:00-16:00
Appearance"Tokyo Mobility & Freedom" Andreas HARTMANN
GuestTSUZUKI Kyoichi

*No booking required / With Japanese - English interpreter
*Programs may change due to unavoidable reasons.

Participating Creator

DAO Thanh Hung (DAO Thanh Hung & PHAM Phuong Thao)
Jonna KINA
LIM Sokchanlina
Almudena LOBERA
PHAM Phuong Thao (DAO Thanh Hung & PHAM Phuong Thao)
Sornchai PHONGSA

Our Facilities