OS-XX -Prelude to the operating systems of the future city

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OS-XX -Prelude to the operating systems of the future city


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TitleOS-XX -Prelude to the operating systems of the future city
Date2015.8.8(Sat) - 2015.11.8(Sun)
Time11:00 - 19:00
Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture, Tokyo Wonder Site
VenueTWS Hongo
Pedro Inoue (Brazil) ,Yuken Teruya
Adaptive Actions / Jean-François Prost (Canada), Yusuke Obuchi Lab, Koki Tanaka ,SCI-Arc John N Bohn (USA)
The exhibition examines the operating system (OS) of cities and is comprised of some themes based on the historical context, providing an opportunity to think about the future of Tokyo and of cities. While the exhibition poses a question of how the diverse cultural values arising paradoxically out of globalization would be absorbed and create identities, it explores the formation of the future cities through the visions of creators who develop the latest ideas and methodologies. 【Part 1】
2015/8/8 (Sat.) - 9/23 (Wed.)
Opening Talk:2015/8/8 (Sat.) 15:00 -17:00

【Part 2】2015/10/3 (Sat.) - 11/8 (Sun.)
Opening Talk:2015/10/3 (Sat.) 15:00 -17:00
Other participants: Mika Kutomi [Researcher]
Yoshitaka Haba [Book director]
Space A:Cultural Event as Urban OS

Research by Mika Kutomi

Space B:Media and Design as Urban OS

Pedro Inoue Billion People March Poster 2015 Adbusters Media Foundation / Pedro Inoue

Space C:Art as Urban OS
Jean-François Prost/ the founder and director of "Adaptive Actions" Adaptive Actions based in Canada and founded in London in 2007 by Jean-François Prost explores alterations in the workplace, the home and public spaces in general. 

Cooperation: the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec
Space D:Art as Urban OS

Yuken Teruya Asian Money 2006 Coutesy of Asia Society and Singapore, Tyler Print Institute

Meeting Room:BOOK CAFE

TWS Directed by Yoshitaka Haba (Book director / BACH Itd.)


It is our great pleasure to introduce you our exhibition "OS-XX - Prelude to the Operating Systems of the Future City" at Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo. In the exhibition, we would like to address the issue, "methods for making the future society." The exhibition introduces the works of creators and researchers who explore the latest methodologies on the subject and invites visitors to join in a process of thinking together what would constitute our future society. The most important thing is not to give an answer to the question but to provide an opportunity for us to think together and to build a platform for that. It is more of a project than an exhibition, presenting various elements including art work, research results and comments given in questionnaires. We hope it would serve as one of the references or tools to think about our future. So, we would like to widely collect the opinions of people with various fields of expertise about the future city and introduce them at the venue or at talk events during the exhibition period. If you are interested, please answer the following questions and reply by e-mail below. We would appreciate it if you could take a moment to answer the following questions:
  • Q1: What are the images of future city to you?
  • Q2: What are the sources ? thoughts, books, art work, etc. -- of those images?
  • Q3: How do you want Tokyo to be in the future in five years in 2020, in 15 years in 2030 and in 2050, the middle point of the century?
  • Q4: What kind of methodology or tools do you think would actually construct the future?
  • Name:
  • Occupation:
  • Contact(e-mail):
※TWS may introduce your answers at the exhibition. Please specify if you do not wish your answers to be publicized.
Please reply to this E-mail :osxx_reply(at)tokyo-ws.org

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