OPEN STUDIO 2012/February

Open Studio

OPEN STUDIO 2012/February



TitleOPEN STUDIO 2012/February
International Advisor Talk: Ong Keng Sen (Artistic Director of TheaterWorks(Singapore)), Founder of Arts Network Asia)
Time13:00 - 18:00
Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture, Tokyo Wonder Site
VenueTWS Aoyama:Creator-in-Residence
Exchange Residency Program
Nadja Schollhammer(Visual Art/Germany)
Nadja Solari(Visual Art/Switzerland)
Lu Chih-Yun (Visual Art/Taiwan)

Local Creator Residence Program
Yu Araki (Visual Art/Japan)
Ryusuke Kido (Visual Art/Japan)
Katsunobu Yaguchi (Visual Art/Japan)
Tomoko Yoneda (Visual Art/Japan,UK)

Research Residency Program
Omar Khouri (Visual Art/Lebanon)

Institutional Recommendation Program
Alexandra Cardenas (Music/Mexico)
Wieki Somers (Design/the Netherlands)
Dylan Van den Berg (Design/the Netherlands)
Nis-Momme Stockman (Literature /Germany)

International Creator Residency Program
Fu Yu(Visual Art /China)
Jia Haiqing (Visual Art /China)
Matthias Wermke (Visual Art/Germany)
Mischa Leinkauf(Visual Art/Germany)

* Participating creators are Subject to change.

TWS Aoyama: Creator-in-Residence organizes monthly public program, "OPEN STUDIO" which is for the public to see the creative process of residing creators, to communicate and to exchange ideas about their works. In each studio, creators present the progress of their works or research in various ways.
In the OPEN STUDIO of this month, Ong Keng Sen (Artistic Director of TheaterWorks(Singapore), Founder of Arts Network Asia) will give a talk! Please don't miss this precious opportunity!


13:00-18:00 Open Studio
15:00-16:30 Guest Talk Ong Keng Sen (Artistic Director of TheaterWorks(Singapore)), Founder of Arts Network Asia)
*Japanese-English Interpretation.


Ong Keng Sen
Ong Keng Sen, artistic director of TheatreWorks in Singapore, is a well-known theatre director and has actively contributed to the evolution of an Asian identity; as well as the subsequent transglobalisation of the Asian aesthetic in contemporary arts. He studied intercultural performance with the Performance Studies Department at Tisch School of the Arts, NYU, and holds a law degree. Many of his works have been presented at and acclaimed throughout the world including Lincoln Center; Edinburgh International Festival; ICA London; Haus du Kulturen der Welt Berlin; Kronborg (Hamlet) Castle; Tanzquartier Wien; Landestheater Linz (European Cultural Capital 2009); Rotterdam Schouwburg; Oslo Dansenshus; Stockholm Dansenshus; Theater Spektakel; Paris Center National de la Danse; Roma Europa Festival; Grand Theatre de la Ville Luxemburg; Idans Festival Istanbul; Cairo Experimental Theatre Festival; Panorama Rio de Janeiro; Adelaide Festival; Hong Kong Arts Festival, Singapore Arts Festival and Cocoon Theater Tokyo.
In 1994, Keng Sen conceptualised The Flying Circus Project, a laboratory project that brings together traditional and contemporary Asian artists from all disciplines. This experimental project brings together traditional and contemporary artists from the fields of visual arts, video, documentary, performing arts, as well as philosophers, literary specialists, and artists of new media and "new rituals". He has continued to develop this work with Dasarts, Amsterdam; the Urban Fetishes programme at TanzQuartier Wien; Goteborg Dance and Theatre Festival; Kiasma Helsinki; Live Arts London; Connection Barents, Kirkenes Norway; a:pass Antwerp in the Nu Festival in Tallin (European Cultural Capital 2011); the Summer Institute at The Kitchen New York City. An important part of his work is in research with emerging artists, the latest being the mentorship programme for the Spielart Festival Munich. He also takes part actively in lecture and conversation programmes, the latest being for Festwochen Wien 2011. In 1999, he initiated a network for Asian artists to encourage inter-Asian engagement, known as the Arts Network Asia (ANA). This recently received an endowment from Ford Foundation for its sustained collaboration across borders in the arts and cultures of Asia.
He is the founder artistic director of In-Transit, an annual interdisciplinary arts festival in Berlin (2002 & 2003). He also curated the Insomnia season for the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London (2005), and the Politics of Fun exhibition at the House of World Cultures, Berlin (2005). He curated the immense Night Festival for the National Museum/Singapore Art Museum in 2010.
A major exhibition that he participated in was Yokohama Triennale 2005 where he showed The Flying Circus Project (Special Edition, Yokohama): The School of Politics.
A Fulbright Scholar, Keng Sen is also the first and only Singapore artist to have received both the Young Artist Award (1992) and the Cultural Medallion Award (2003) for Singapore. He was awarded the prestigious Fukuoka Asian Arts and Culture Prize 2010 for his work in Asian contemporary performance.

Participating Creator

Dylan Van de BERG
Alexandra CARDENAS
KIDO Ryusuke
LU Chih-Yun
Pablo de SOTO
Matthias WERMKE
YAGUCHI Katsunobu

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