3331 ART FAIR 2021

3331 ART FAIR 2021

Tokyo Arts and Space joins 3331 ART FAIR 2021. TOKAS will introduce emerging artists who have participated in TOKAS programs and fascinate us with their craft-like expressions and techniques such as woodworking, dyeing and weaving, and carving in the context of contemporary art. Featured 5 artists: Usui Hitomi (Tokyo–Helsinki Exchange Residency Program 2017), Hisamatsu Tomoko (Research Residency Program 2019), and from the exhibition program “Emerging” Kuroda Yasuaki (2017), Ashikawa Mizuki (2019), and Kukita Akane (2021). 

Please note that all the exhibiting works at TOKAS Booth are NOT FOR SALE.


Title3331 ART FAIR 2021
Date2021.10.29 (Fri) - 10.31 (Sun)
Hours [Preview] (Invitation only)
10.28 (Thu) 15:00 - 20:00 
[General Admission] 
10.29 (Fri)~ 30 (Sat) 12:00 - 20:00
10.31 (Sun) 12:00 - 18:30
※Last Entry: 30 min. before closing
AdmissionGeneral ¥2,500, Seniors (65+) ¥2,000, Students ¥1,000
Advance tickets (General only) ¥2,000
*Advance tickets available at ArtSticker from 9.25.  https://artsticker.app/
*Multiple entry is allowed during event period. *Free admission for select areas.
*Free entry: Students under high-school age free entry *Chiyoda City residents free entry with proof of identification
*Visitors with handicap free entry along with one escort (please present handicap certificate)
Venue3331 Arts Chiyoda, Galleries-1F (1F Main Gallery) (6-11-14, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-Ku)
Organizer3331 Arts Chiyoda
Artists ASHIKAWA Mizuki, USUI Hitomi, KUKITA Akane, KURODA Yasuaki, HISAMATSU Tomoko

ASHIKAWA Mizuki (TOKAS-Emerging 2019)
Elective Affinities 2020, Litograph

USUI Hitomi (Tokyo–Helsinki Exchange Residency Program 2017)
untitled 2018, Nandina, hinoki, textile

KUKITA Akane (TOKAS-Emerging 2021)
Orders of Growth : music box #4 2021, music box, brass, motor

KURODA Yasuaki (TWS-Emerging 2017) 
our matrix 2b 2021, Naturally dyed silk threads

HISAMATSU Tomoko (Research Residency Program 2019)
Dry Lacquered Akabeko 2020, Dry lacquer technique and lead

Participating Creator

KURODA Yasuaki
USUI Hitomi

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