Sarah WALL

Sarah WALL

update: 2018.12.1

Sarah WALL
Research Residency Program (2019.1 - 2019.2)

Graduated from Phd ,University of Melbourne, 2015.

Recent 5 main activities (personal exhibitions, group exhibitions, concerts) are
-'Haegue Yang: Triple Vita Nestings', Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, New Plymouth, 2018 (a touring exhibition...)
-'Sensory Agents', Len Lye Centre, New Plymouth, 2018 (curator)
-'Projection Series #8: The Long Dream of Waking', Len Lye Centre, New Plymouth, 2017 (co-curator with ...)
-'Len Lye: Experimental Moves', Len Lye Centre, New Plymouth, 2016-17 (curator)
-'Set in Motion', Len Lye Centre, New Plymouth, 2016 (curator)

Other activities (including awards received) are
-'Haegue Yang: Triple Vita Nestings', Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, New Plymouth, 2018 (a touring exhibition organised by the Institute of Modern Art, co-curated by Aileen Burns and Johan Lundh with Sarah Wall at the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery).
-'Projection Series #8: The Long Dream of Waking', Len Lye Centre, New Plymouth, 2017 (co-curator with Tendai John Mutambu)

About works / performance

Sarah Wall_Danae Valenza, 'Align In Time (News from Nowhere)' .png
Danae Valenza, "Align/In Time (News from Nowhere)", 2018.
Installation view of exhibition "Sensory Agents", Govett-Brewster/Len Lye Centre, 2018.
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Len Lye, "Color Cry", 1953.
Installation view of exhibition "Set in Motion", Govett-Brewster/Len Lye Centre, 2016.

Sarah Wall_Taree Mackenzie, 'Black Line Formation' .png
Taree Mackenzie, "Black Line Formation", 2013.
Installation view of exhibition "Set in Motion", Govett-Brewster/Len Lye Centre, 2016.

Sarah Wall_Len Lye, 'Free Radicals'.png
Len Lye, "Free Radicals", 1958.
Installation view of exhibition "Len Lye: Experimental Moves", Govett-Brewster/Len Lye Centre, 2016-17.

Sarah Wall_Installation view of exhibition 'Len Lye Experimental Moves'.png
Installation view of exhibition "Len Lye: Experimental Moves", Govett-Brewster/Len Lye Centre, 2016-17.

Sarah Wall_Installation view of exhibition 'Lit from the Top'.png
Installation view of exhibition "Lit from the Top", Centre for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne, 2015.

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