update: 2009.2.1
I born in Buenos Aires in 1983, studied some drawing, and now I´m studying Anthropology.I participated in group projects such as Desdentando (México, 2005), Basurama (Spain, 2005), Bilboquet(Spain 2006- 07), Canasta(BA, Argentina, 2008)and Un vagón hermoso (Buratovich, Argentina, 2008).I wrote two poetry books, A los botánicos (2007) and Colores (2008).I teach a small poetry class back home.
Mejunje has been showing work regularly in Argentina, mostly in the form of artwork based on reusing found material and local plants species. This aspect of our work has been shown within gallery space, a cultural center and even our own backyard. We are glad to now have the opportunity to concentrate on research for future works.