Emilia TIKKA

Emilia TIKKA


Emilia Tikka is a designer, artist and PhD Candidate at Aalto University, The School of Arts, Design and Architecture in Helsinki. Graduated from University of Arts Berlin in 2018. Her interdisciplinary research focuses on critical and speculative design methods and the genome editing technology CRISPR in the realm of human enhancement.

Recent Exhibitions
“Art’s Work in the Age of Biotechnology: Shaping Our Genetic Futures” Group exhibition, Gregg Museum for Art and Design, Raleigh USA, 2019
“Imagine Science Film festival and Art Exhibition” Group exhibition, New York University Arts Centre Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, 2019
“Field experiments” Group exhibition, STATE Studio, Berlin, 2018
“Error - The Art of Imperfection”, Ars Electronica, Linz, 2018
“External body” Group exhibition, EMMA Museum of Modern Art, Helsinki, 2017

Other activities
Artist residency on genome editing technology CRISPR – Max Delbrück Centre for Molecular Medicine Berlin
Visiting Scholar at Humboldt University, Hermann von Helmholtz Center for Cultural Techniques (HZK) Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
PROJECT MEMBER: Behavioral Matter: An exploratory project about the activity of matter in art, design and sciences, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, École nationale supérieure de Création Industrielle Paris and École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts Paris 


About works / performance

EMILIA TIKKA (FI) is an artist working in the intersection of Speculative Storytelling and Synthetic Biology. Her interdisciplinary practice explores philosophical dimensions and cultural implications of novel biotechnologies such as genome editing technology CRISPR. Her methods of research vary from designing objects, constellations and fictions to hands-on experiments in a laboratory.

ÆON - Trajectories of Longevity and Crispr, 2018, Photographs, speculative design objects, CRISPR edited human fibroblasts on petri dish
Photographer: Zuzanna Kaluzna, MDC Scientists: Jürgen Stumm and Norman Krueger (Stem Cell platform), Dubravka Vucicevic (Computational Regulatory Genomics), Actor: Nico Ehrentait, Actress: Helena Norowitz, 3D rendering: Pauli Hyvönen, Make-up & hair: Caterina Veronesi

ÆON - Trajectories of Longevity and Crispr, 2018, Photographs, speculative design objects, CRISPR edited human fibroblasts on petri dish

EUDAIMONIA - Biotechnologization Of the Soul?, 2018 – Short film 11:13, Speculative genome editing device.
Film crew: Screenplay & Director / Emilia Tikka, Director of photography / Eduardo Mattos, Editor / Arata Mori, Music / Cristian Cassara, Sound / Shannon Bower, Hair & Makeup / Sammi Mann Yang
MAIN CAST Daniel / Stefan Becker, Nina / Tania Carlin, Aaron / Lucas Englander

EUDAIMONIA - Biotechnologization Of the Soul?, 2018 – Short film 11:13, Speculative genome editing device.

EUDAIMONIA - Biotechnologization Of the Soul?

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