update: 2011.8.1


I was born in São Paulo, Brazil. I have an MA and Post-graduate in Fine Arts at Goldsmiths College of Art, London and a Post-graduate diploma from Centro di Ricerca de La Fotografia, Lestans, Italy. My BA is in History at PUC, São Paulo. Recent shows include Paço das Artes, São Paulo; Eleven Rivington Gallery, New York; Rooftop Reykjavík; The Gallery, London; Bergen Kunstforening, Noroway.
I currently lecture Contemporary Visual Communication at the Instituto Europeo de Design in São Paulo.

About works / performance

Through the British Council's programme Artist Links, I developed Entropy: Smoke and Crystals", mediated by The Arts Catalyst, the science-art agency, at University College London in 2007. In 2002 I began my Smoke project as a comment on the situation and as a performatic action. During this period I was also Resident Artist at Gasworks, in London.
In 2004 I curated a project entitled Fluxo de Arte Belém Contemporâneo with Brazilian and English artists in the Amazonian forest.

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