
Born in Yokohama in 1986. Lives and works in Zushi City. Nakamoto is a filmmaker. He obtained a master’s degree from the Graduate School of Film and New Media of Tokyo University of the Arts. He also studied contemporary art at the University of West England as an exchange student. In 2018, he founded “Zushi Art Films”, an organization, that holds lectures, workshops, and screenings around the film.

2023 "Us verse Nature" Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei
2022 "Hinohara Art 2022" Hinohara village, Tokyo
2021 "Carry-in Project" YCAM, Yamaguchi
2019 "WRO Media Art Biennnale" Wroclaw, Poland
2017 "Impurity / Immunity" TOKAS Hongo, Tokyo
2013 "Berlinale" Screening, Berlin

About works / performance

Nakamoto has been making films based on his research into the land, building a camera-centered network in which the filmmaker and the world interact with each other. The world here is the environment that the filmmaker perceives, including the land, its inhabitants, people, and local communities. He calls this network as a "film ecosystem." To connect and enrich this myriad of networks is one of his goals of activities.

Gosuke and Rokuzaemo 2022, Video installation (Right)

Atmos 2022, Video

Night Snorkelin 2020, Video

Visitors from Riverside 2017, Video installation

Silent Passengers 2012, Video

Silent Travelers 2012, Video

Our Facilities