MOK Honggyun

MOK Honggyun

update: 2018.7.1


Graduated from MA of Aesthetics at SungKyunKwan Universtiy in 2006.

Recent 5 main activities (personal exhibitions, group exhibitions, concerts) are
-"The City of Homeless", ARKO Art Center, Korea, 2016
-"Useless Usefull", Osan City Museum, Korea, 2015
-"The Manual ; Parts & Labour", Osan City Museum, Korea, 2014
-"Neo Code", Osan City Museum, Korea, 2014
-"Human, For a While", Osan City Museum, Korea, 2013

Honggyun Mok is an independant curator, works and lives in Seoul. She is interested in the prolific and exciting overlap between socially engaged art and cultural practices generated by recent social movements around the world.

About works / performance

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The City of Homeless, Exhibition View, 2016

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Hang Together, Lego Installation, 2016

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Torre David, Video Installation, 20m.,2016

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Four Objects about -less, Changeable Structure Installation, 2016

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Rat Tribe, Video Installation, 10min., 2016

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Homeless School, Performance Video, 30min.,2016

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