Leo Katunaric KADELE

Leo Katunaric KADELE

update: 2010.9.1


Leo Katunaric KADELE, an interdisciplinary artist. Educated at the Academy of theatre, film and television. For the past ten years he has performed ritual art performances, co-operations and independent art exhibitions in Berlin, Germany; Rome, Italy; Zagreb and Rijeka, Croatia; Kobe, Japan; Bogota, Columbia; Vienna, Austria; New York, USA; Tel Aviv, Israel; Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Mexico City, Mexico. He is the artistic director of the festival of contemporary art - MaxArtFest. He is the author of the plays "Comeback of Europe" and "Medea95" published in Italy and Croatia, also author and director of the numerous plays, operas and art videos. Using all his artistic background he starts contemporary art rituals with the visible result as the "Maps to lost yourself".

About works / performance

Seven days and nights living in the VN Gallery Zagreb, "Project Outcast". Ten days artistic action "Art is War" Bogota, Columbia. Art actions "An artist, not a criminal". Independent exhibition of war pictures/maps "Art Ballet", Rome, Italy. A two-month research and portraying of spiritual maps of Berlin, Germany "Machinenhouse". Exhibition of an art cycle of maps "Repentance", Museum Mimara, Zagreb...

An extensive work in theatre has thought me different artistic disciplines in creating personal comments of the time we live in. All my activities are in fact interdisciplinary performances which regularly result in artifact, image, installation or video, as a map for the reconstruction of the spiritual path I have just passed with my performance – urban action. 

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