KOROMO Shinichiro

KOROMO Shinichiro


Graduated from MFA, Tokyo University of the Arts in 2016.

Recent 5 main activities (personal exhibitions, group exhibitions, concerts) are
-"project N 75 Shinichiro Koromo" solo exhibition, Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, Tokyo, 2019
-"The rising generation 16 Shinichiro Koromo Keiko Takahashi" two persons exhibition, Shibukawa City Museum, Kuwahara Hiromori Sculpture Museum, Gunma, 2018
- "para nature" group exhibition, EUKARYOTE, Tokyo 2018
-"BankART Bank U35 2017" group exhibition, BankART Studio NYK, Kanagawa, 2017
-"Choque Parisien" two persons exhibition, Maison du Japon, Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, Paris, 2015

Other activities (including awards received) are
-"Gunma Biennnale for Young Artists 2017 "
-"Art Award Tokyo Marunouchi " (2013/2016)
-" Tokyo Wonder Wall 2013 "

Born in Gunma 1987, BFA, Tokyo Zokei University in 2013, exchange student program, École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris in 2014-15, MFA, Tokyo University of the Arts in 2016. Recent Artist in Residence program is "Connect Gunma A.I.R" Arts Maebashi, Gunma, 2017

About works / performance

The motifs I’m painting are things that I see in my daily life, and I paint them based on physical sensations and memories.I am exploring the existence of shapes and sceneries, that are the base of what each person sees when they are standing in front of a painting. My paintings are based on the rural landscapes of the fields, paddy fields, and mountains of the prefecture of Gunma, where I was born and raised. I construct a painting balancing the shapes, colors and sizes of the still lifes, people, sculp-tural motifs and ancient tombs, that I arrange.They are not meant as a reproduction of a certain 3-dimensional situation.Through the relation, that is being born out of mixing different things and times on one plane, the painting, I establish them as a scenery accompanied by a sense of distance and scale.

Installation view of "The rising generation 16 Shinichiro Koromo Keiko Takahashi", Shibukawa City Museum/ Kuwahara Hiromori Sculpture Museum, 2018 Photo: Shinya Kigure

House, 2018, Oil on canvas, 116.7×116.7cm, Photo: Satoshi Mohri

Installation view of "BankART Bank U35 2017", BankART Studio NYK, 2017 Photo: Ken Kato

Town, 2016, Oil on canvas, 130.3×194.0cm

Tree and Sculptures, 2016, oil on canvas, 194.0×162.0cm Photo: Shinya Kigure

Block, 2013, oil on canvas, 22.7×22.7cm

Rural Landscape, 2013, Oil on canvas, 72.7×91.0cm

Ice Hockey, 2012, oil on canvas, 97.0×145.5cm

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