Camilla Hoitenga studied flute in the USA, England and France with Darlene Dugan, Peter Lloyd, Alexander Murray and Marcel Moyse. Further inspiration came in studies with philosopher Nicholas Wolterstorf at Calvin College (B.A), and with early-music expert George Hunter, composer Ben Johnston and ethnomusicologist Bruno Nettl at the University of Illinois (M.Mus., D.M.A.). A long time student of all things Japanese, Camilla Hoitenga has performed over 50 works by Japanese composers, half of which have been dedicated to her.
Born in Grand Rapids, Michigan/USA, Camilla Hoitenga now lives in Cologne, Germany.
About works / performance
Update 2009: In addition to her intensive collaborations with Kaija Saariaho, she has recently premiered pieces by Pèter Eötvös, Mike Svoboda, Pèter Köszeghy and Yoshiro Kanno, and (June 2009) by Miyuki Ito, Kumiko Omura, Noriko Nakamura and Yoshikhiko Shimizu. Concerto performances with orchestras in Berlin and Barcelona, master classes in Helsinki, Hamburg, France. New CD: Malcys flute concerto. Solo concerts in Parma, Clermont Ferrand, Berlin, Monpellier, Munich, Dresden Czech,..Commission for own music for exhibit by artist Raija Malka, feature articla in Rondo magazine (Finland).

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