Szu-Han HO

Szu-Han HO

Born in 1982. Graduated from The School of the Art Institute in 2009. 
Recent 5 main activities are: 
"Szu-Han Ho: Call & Response" / 2013 / Rubin Center for the Visual Arts, El Paso, TX
"Taller de Intercambio / Interchange Workshop" / 2012 / Cuadrante Creativo, Culiacán, MX
"The Transformative Surface" / 2012 / UNM Art Museum, Albuquerque, NM
SOMA Summer Open Studios / 2012 / SOMA, Mexico City, MX
"Études/Duets" / 2012 / Julius Caesar, Chicago, IL
About works / performance
Szu-Han's research and production interests revolve around the shared metaphors of economics and ecology, as well as the complex inter-relationships of cultural and natural systems. Through performance, installation, workshops, and collaborations, her work addresses the practice of exchange in diverse forms.

Golden Parachutes (Severance), 2009 / sculpture, Szu-Han Ho

El Dúo del Espejo (The Mirror Duet), 2011 /performance score by Andrés Duhau, Emiliano González de León, and Emiliano Motta; performed by Elías Herrera Zacarías and Jesús Lemo 

Études/Duets, 2012 / performance, with Ellen McSweeney

Études/Duets, 2012 / performance, with Ellen McSweeney

Rate of Recharge/Rate of Erosion, 2011 / installation, Szu-Han Ho

Taller de Intercambio/Interchange Workshop, 2012 / performance workshop, Cuadrante Creativo

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