update: 2011.10.1


Born in Italy (1967). Graduated in Economics in Bologna and PhD in Edinburgh Napier University in 2009.

About works / performance

Guido is post-doc fellowship at IULM University, Milan, in cultural and creative industries in NIC and Far East Countries. From the end of 1990s he has research and develop several projects nationally (Regione Sardegna, Regione Veneto, Regione Lazio, Regione Lombardia; Cities of Pescara, L'Aquila, Modena, Siena, Pistoia, etc.) and internationally (Cartagena, Belo Horizonte, Tunisia, Halland) in cultural economics, cultural and creative industries, regional development. He has presented his works in many international conferences as invited speakers, chairman, lecturer, and panelist on issues. He is member of the Strategic Group of "Soul for Europe" for the development of the "European Culture and Economy Platform". He was also member of the research group for the "requalification of the Arsenale of Venice" and the management and financial sustainability study for MAXXI - National Museum of Art and Architecture of the 21st century, Rome. After the management of the DiCE project (System Wide Cultural District of the Regione Veneto), he is now involved in the European project "ToolQuiz" on "creative industries and employability", where he is project manager of the scientific project partner. Recently he has been invited by the Ministry of Heritage of Equador for seminars on program and projects related with the national heritage.

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