Chloé FRICOUT (Thibault CAPÉRAN & Chloé FRICOUT)

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  • Chloé FRICOUT (Thibault CAPÉRAN & Chloé FRICOUT)

Chloé FRICOUT (Thibault CAPÉRAN & Chloé FRICOUT)

update: 2018.1.1

Chloé FRICOUT (Thibault CAPÉRAN & Chloé FRICOUT)
Research Residency Program (2018.1 - 2018.1)
クロエ・フリク (ティボー・カペラン&クロエ・フリク)

Graduated from Institut of Political Studies in 2007.

Recent 5 main activities (personal exhibitions, group exhibitions, concerts) are

- Manager of Pavillon Neuflize OBC, residency program of Palais de Tokyo, Paris 2012-2017

- Curator "In this Vessel We shall Be Kept - Solo Show of Ayoung Kim " - Palais de Tokyo - Paris - 2016

- Producer "Urban Legends" - international group show - Seoul Museum of Art - 2016

- Curator "Jamais la mer ne se retire" Solo show of Ange Leccia- Palais de Tokyo - Paris - 2014

- Founder "VICO,Videoclub de operacion expandida", LAA Mexico, MACVAL Paris, USA, Spain, etc, 2011-15

Other activities are

- Prince Claus Foundation Grant for VICO project (Amsterdam,Netherlands), 2011

As an art professional, I've been developing my work in two main directions. On one side, I've been working as a coordinator and a producer of artist-in-residence programs, in Mexico City and Paris, always with the aim to propose new possibilities for the artists to work with. On the other side, I've been working as a curator on cross-disciplinaries projects mainly related to urban issues, with the wish to better understand the contexts we are living in.

About works / performance


In this Vessel We Should Be Kept, Solo show by Ayoung Kim, Curated by Chloé Fricout, Palais de Tokyo, Paris 2016, ©Ayoung Kim. Photo: Aurélien Mole.

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La Seconde d'après, Video exhibition of the Collection neuflize, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, 2015


Jamais la mer ne se retire, Solo show by Ange Leccia, Curated by Chloé Fricout, Palais de Tokyo, Paris 2014, ©Ange Leccia. Photo: Justine Emard


Jamais la mer ne se retire, Solo show by Ange Leccia, Curated by Chloé Fricout, Palais de Tokyo, Paris 2014, ©Ange Leccia. Photo: Justine Emard


VICO, videoclub de operacion expandida, International video exhibition. LAA, Mexico, 2011, ©Chloé Fricout and Javier Toscano


VICO, videoclub de operacion expandida, International video exhibition. LAA, Mexico, 2011, ©Chloé Fricout and Javier Toscano


VICO, videoclub en expansion, International video exhibition. MAC/VAL, Paris, 2011, ©Thomas Louarpe - MAC/VAL

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