
Born in North Yorkshire, England. Lives and works in Leeds. Graduated with an MA in Contemporary Art Practice from Royal College of Art in 2020.
Edd Carr is an artist and researcher. Adapting and innovating sustainable processes, his work depicts our fractured relationship to ecological crisis. Edd is also a co-director of The Sustainable Darkroom, the world’s first organisation dedicated to the research of eco-friendly alternatives to photography.

Recent exhibitions:
2023 “Leeds Artist Show,” Leeds Art Gallery, England
2022 “I’d Rather Be Your Enemy,” Grove Collective, London
2022 “Hungry Hearts,” The Garden Cinema, London
2022 “Experimental Film East Anglia,” Number 47, Norwich, England
2022 “Panic!” The Tetley, Leeds, England

2021 "CIRCA x Dazed Class of 2021 filmmakers," Finalist
2017 "Innovation Award," Experimental Film East Anglia
           "Channel 4 Random Acts Award," Winner

About works / performance
My work subverts traditional environmental practice. Instead, it draws parallels between familiar human experiences, the experience of the ecological crisis, and our existence within our fragile web of life by involving nonhuman nature directly in the moving image process. This tactile filmmaking approach reflects my desire for direct ecological experience that I find environmental film lacks, whilst operating on a regenerative ethic of sustainable practice.

Conceptually, I am motivated by how our relationship to nonhuman nature is informed by fundamental belief systems - and how these might be shaped in view of an ecocentric future. 

Lepidoptera (video still)
2022, Moving Image, Cyanotype Soil Combination

DOGS ON FIRE (video still)
2022, Moving Image, Printed on Waste

YORKSHIRE DIRT (video still)
2022, Moving Image, Printed on Soil

RETURN OF THE WOLF (video still)
2022, Moving Image, Antho-cyan Image

2020, Moving Image, Wet lumen print

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