Bettina Danielle Berger

Bettina Danielle Berger

Flute studies in Zurich and Berlin with M. Stucki, A. v. Stackelberg and Ph. Racine. Master in Contemporary Music by the International Ensemble Modern Academy in Frankfurt. Intensive work with R. Dick. Masterclasses with F. Renggli, A. Nicolet, C. Levine and B. Kuijken.
Bettina has performed in numerous international festivals and worked with composers as Holliger, Lévinas, Rihm, Hosokawa, Mundry, Yuasa and Huber. She has also worked with conductors P. Eötvös, M. Gielen, S. Asbury, I. Volkov, F. Ollu, J. Hennenberger and J. Wyttenbach.
Bettina devotes herself intensively to working with composers of her own generation, for whom she has premiered numerous works. Collaboration with other arts and forms of expression is another main field in her work, in which H. Goebbels has been a main impulse.
She is a founding member of the ensemble interface, with whom she will perform in the Darmstadt Summer Courses for Contemporary Music 2010.
About works / performance
Over the last year, I have worked on concepts of 'instrumental theater' within the scope of the International Ensemble Modern Academy. I was involved in the development of two interdisciplinary performances with stage directors Recha La Dous, Christian Grammel and composer / director Heiner Goebbels: 'Sciarrino speculando' (Frankfurt) and 'Der Töne Licht' (ZKM Karlsruhe).

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