LIN Yan-Xiang

Residency Program

Exchange Residency Program (International creators from abroad)

update: 2025.1.24

LIN Yan-Xiang

Participating ProjectExchange Residency Program (Creators from abroad)
Activity BasedTaipei
City / Place stayedTokyo
Period2025.1 - 2025.3
Purpose of the residency

The project titled "The Imminent Airport," I will primarily focus on the area around Narita Airport. The project will center on the historical events that occurred at Sanrizuka and the ongoing airport expansion. I aim to study how the "government" and "residents" are intertwined and influence each other, and how the people still living around the airport maintain their lives. Furthermore, I will examine how these "urban plans" are constructed and envisioned for future cities under the current neoliberal modernization process.

Plan during the residency
  • Research on monuments (memorials) after protests.
  • Research on the history of protests against the Narita airport expansion.
  • Interview with artists creating works related to the Narita airport expansion.

Creator Information

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