Samuel GAY

Residency Program

Research Residency Program

update: 2019.6.5

Samuel GAY

Participating Project  
Research Residency Program
Activity BasedFrance
Period 2019.6 - 2019.7
Purpose of the residency

Tokyo is an extremely rich and dense research ground for him to explore, because of its urbanisation, that originated on capital debris (war, earthquakes), and its process of reconstruction influenced by Japanese culture and its impermanence philosophy. Such an urban fabric has complex and unique characteristics. His work echoes, and would be in direct connection, with architect’s writings and researches about cities, like Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown, Rem Koolhaas, and Shinohara Kazuo for example. 

Plan during the residency

・Explore Tokyo, take photographs/videos of various areas, in differents neighborhoods, to collect an important quantity of elements to work on, and then analyze them.
・Research in various libraries of art, design, architecture, urbanism, landscape... to gather numerous documentation about the city's urban organisation.
・Meet people that as been living in tokyo (for a long and for a short time) and ask them if they feel citizen and why/how.
・Draw, create images, visuals, objects and installation accordingly to my researches.
・Visit galleries and museum to meet and explore the art and design scene of Tokyo. 

Activities during the residency

I started by doing some researches about Tokyo's construction and urbanisation history, through the materials at my dispositions, for example the numeros libraries, book stores, and TOKAS's own library, and also through multiple explorations of the city, observations, and photographies. Theses wanderings finally brought my focus and my attention on some particular characteristics of this city, characteristics that then became my starting point for an artistic proposal. This project evolved and took many forms (thanks to some experimentations with 3D modeling software), creating in the end, more of a system, a process.

Overview of the residency

I achieved developing various system, methods (or at least their beginning), to work on a particular space typology of Tokyo (the in-between buildings), to give them to see in a different/particular way, experimenting with the full and the empty, the positive and negative spaces. I only wish I had more time to develop It further and maybe find a particular spot in Tokyo to experiment this approach (even if these are 3D modeled on actual places, they are a mix of a particular typology). The next step would be creating some models at various scales, and hopefully one day, realize this project on the actual scale (1/1), allowing people to go inside this space.

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