Residency Program

Institutional Recommendation Program

update: 2019.7.18


Participating ProjectInstitutional Recommendation Program
Activity BasedUnited Kingdom / France
Period2018.9 - 2018.10
Purpose of the residency

I will be showing my work at Mizuma Gallery, Tokyo, as part of the 2018 Daiwa Foundation Anglo-Japanese Art Prize. During my stay I will be giving a talk about my work and afterwards I will make my next series of work based upon the experiences and exchanges I have during my stay in Japan.

Plan during the residency

My project for the duration of my stay is to research my next series of work.
2 years ago I sublet my apartment and, with my partner, left to live and work on the road. As we travel, the work I make is inspired by the places we go and the experiences we have.
In Tokyo I will collect material to make my next big project, which will include, watercolour & oil paintings & performance works.
I want to explore the theatre, the architecture, the museums, fashion, food, art, karaoke, bookshops, art materials (paper, brushes).
I am collecting the best Tokyo 'tips' from everybody I know who has visited Tokyo.
My partner is a writer, and as I document our experience visually, she has been documenting our travels in her writen journal.
The outcome of her research will be a book that will be illustrated with my drawings and paintings.

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