Residency Program

Institutional Recommendation Program

update: 2019.7.18


Participating ProjectInstitutional Recommendation Program
Activity BasedThailand
Period2018.9 - 2018.9
Purpose of the residency

My participation at the Tokyo Arts and Space is a part of my Japan Foundation Asia Center Fellowship project, titled "The Opposite Directions". In this project, I travel to 3 countries, Singapore, Japan and Myanmar, in order to explore the lives of Southeast Asian migrant workers and the conditions that force them to move within or from their home and destination countries, with particular focus on aspects of economic, political, and social instability. For Japan's visit, I will concentrate on the experience of Myanmar and Thai migrant workers in Tokyo and compare their narratives to stories of workers in Singapore.

Plan during the residency

-Researching the situations of Thai and Burmese migrant workers who live in Tokyo
-Surveying the history of astronomy in Japan
-Seeing new exhibitions and visiting galleries and museums in Tokyo

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