Alessandro LIBRIO

Residency Program

Institutional Recommendation Program

update: 2019.10.4

Alessandro LIBRIO

Participating ProjectInstitutional Recommendation Program
Activity BasedItaly
Period2018.5 - 2018.6
Purpose of the residency

During the residency a study will be conducted on the answer of Japanese bees to the sound stimulation generated by piano and other musical instruments. We will contact japanese beekeepers to open a dialogue with them and the natural life of bees, in order the subtle relationship between art and nature and its possibilities. Institutes of Science and Universities would be involved to reflect on questions generated by the artistic research.

New graphic scores will be produced during the research and during the residency in itself. A local location/space will be founded for the future sound and living installation. In that period of residency it will be activated a discussion, with the local communities, on contemporary sound art and its relation with the local nature represented by japanese bees.

Plan during the residency

- Creation of new graphic elements.
- Field recording Tokyo's urban sound.
- Relations and activities with Japanese beekeepers.
- Study of sound vibrations generated by Japanese bees. - Sound research on the resonance of the 6 pianos positioned in parallel.
- Creation of a video documentary to be shown in Palermo at the end of the TOKAS residency.
- Involvement of Institutes of Science and Universities to reflect on questions generated by the artistic research.
- Definition of the site that will host the installation MFTQ Study n. 4.

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