Gianfranco FOSCHINO

Residency Program

International Creator Residency Program

update: 2019.10.4

Gianfranco FOSCHINO

Participating ProjectInternational Creator Residency Program
Activity BasedChile
Period2018.1 - 2018.3
Purpose of the residency

I will like to study different master pieces of Japanese landscapes in order to recognize patterns related to their original compositional techniques. After this process, I will like to produce a new body of video works around the country observing the contemporary landscapes by using the Shinkansen train lines as an observational platform.

Plan during the residency

- Visit museums, libraries and collections with focus on Hokusai & Edo era.
- Study at my studio accompanied by found books, catalogues & digital archives.
- Introduce my work to local art professionals.
- Design a shooting plan considering best tracks of Shinkansen trains. - Shoot during 14 days around Japan.
- View the material.
- Exhibit work in progress during TOKAS's open studio.

Creator Information

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