Kelvin Atmadibrata

Residency Program

International Creator Residency Program

update: 2019.10.28

Kelvin Atmadibrata

Participating ProjectInternational Creator Residency Program
Activity BasedIndonesia
Period2015.9 - 2015.11 
Purpose of the residency

Earlier this year, Indonesia was under international scrutiny for executing illegal drugs-related convicts and this episode has evoked my interest towards death and morality, especially since recreational drugs are concerned for I had worked with them during my social work job back in 2013. I feel that this interest is deeply rooted from apocalyptic manga I had read and such theme seems to be a commonplace. I plan to look into death, drugs and morality from the perspective of Japanese popular and shonen culture. By the sideline, I also wish to experience Tokyo-based queer culture in the hope of giving me new perspectives in dealing with my narratives as well as collecting new materials, visual and otherwise, to experiment and work with.

Plan during the residency

I am interested in collecting visuals from pages of apocalyptic manga like X/1999 by CLAMP, Psyren by Toshiaki Iwashiro, Gantz by Hiroya Oku among many. I have noted several characters from the narratives which I would like to look into in deeper understanding from their visual design, theoretical perspectives as well as fan's reactions through available merchandises and their appearances outside the narratives themselves. Furthermore, I plan to collect materials from related-cases in Tokyo and Japan where death, drugs and morality is concerned. I have also worked with a designer prior to the residency in creating a BBS-inspired website which allows me to gain answers from netizens to a question about death and morality, which might or not changed within the course of the research and experiment. Regardless, I am looking to gain as much visual materials as possible that can be processed into solid presentations at the end of residency, or even be continued post- Tokyo.

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