Nis-Momme Stockman

Residency Program

Institutional Recommendation Program

update: 2019.11.7

Nis-Momme Stockman

Participating ProjectInstitutional Recommendation Program         
Activity BasedGermany
Period2012.2 - 2012.2
Purpose of the residency

I am planning to write about the triple catastrophe of tsunami/earthquake/meltdown and its (social as well as ideological) meaning both for Japan as for Europe. I believe that artistic adaptations of this catastrophe will be primal adaptations of "a world-catastrophe" and are therefore of utmost importance. Only travelling to Japan enables me as an artist and a German to fully capture the whole meaning of what has happened and to turn it into a vital, living thing inside of me. Thus I seek to fuse the two worlds within my artistic work and to depict the outcome accordingly. Only this dual perception enables me to experience and write of this first real global calamity, as an event in which the countries and continents of this earth are understood to be concerted observers and contemplators, not opponents.

Plan during the residency

Based in Tokyo I am planning to visit the Tohoku region to investigate the situation there and to absorb the energy, the thoughts and feelings caused by this catastrophe in the first half of the month. During the stay I will start writing my texts. Coming back to Tokyo I will work on and finish up the texts to be able to present them in the form of reading for public. For the purpose I will look for the possiblity to work with other artists such as musicians and painters. Toward the end of the stay the reading will be held at the Goethe-Institut

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