OPEN STUDIO 2019-2020/ March 

Open Studio

OPEN STUDIO 2019-2020/ March 

Information *Cancellation of this event

Title OPEN STUDIO 2019-2020/ March
Date 2020.3.13 (Fri) - 2020.3.15 (Sun)
Time 11:00 - 17:00
Venue TOKAS Residency
Creator<International Creator Residency Program>
KIM Jihee(Korea | Painting, Drawing)
Martyna MILLER(Poland | Mixed media, Performance)
Charinthorn RACHURUTCHATA (Thailand | Photography, Mixed media)
Rexy TSENG (Taiwan | Painting, Installation)

<Exchange Residency Program>
Samuli BLATTER (Switzerland | Drawing)
CHEN I-Hsuen (Taiwan | Photography, Film)

<Institutional Recommendation Program>
Sarah BRONSARD (Canada | Choreography, Mixed media)

<Research Residency Program>
Mia CABALFIN & Rhosam PRUDENCIADO JR. (Philippines | Performance, Dance)
Annie Jael KWAN (United Kingdom, Southeast Asia | Curation, Writing)
Jesse CUMMING (Canada | Photography, Research) *Exhibit Only
Organize Tokyo Arts and Space (Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)

Open Studio is a special occasion for the audience to see the creative process of residing creators and to hear their talks and discussion with guest speakers.

Inviting Inamura Taro (Program Officer, The Saison Foundation) on 3/14 (Sat) and Kuraya Mika(Chief Curator of the Department of Programs Development, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo) on 3/15(Sun) as moderators, ten creators will give talks on their artworks and activities during the residency.  

On both days, we will also have Gallery Tours, in which TOKAS staff will introduce residing creators’ activities and researches at each exhibition space in Japanese.

Facility Tour / Information Display:
- Visitors will have an opportunity to see the rooms and common spaces where creators stay and communicate with each other.
- We provide information on our partner institutions of exchange residency programs and answer inquiries from visitors.

Partner Institutions:
Atelier Mondial (Basel, Switzerland)
Arts-in-Residence Taipei/ Treasure Hill Artist Village (Taipei, Taiwan)

Institutional Recommendation Program Support:
Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (Quebec, Canada)

KIM Jihee, Uncanny Skin 3, gouache, ink on paper, 131x250.5cm, 2019 ©2019 Jihee Kim All rights reserved. photos by Junyong Cho

Martyna MILLER, Sex in situ, Video 28min, 2019 Since 2016 an ongoing, experimental project

Charinthorn RACHURUTCHATA, I Love Thailand 100 Times, Timelapse photography number 2, 10, 41, 64, 82, 99, size variation, 2019, © Strata PhotoBangkok Pop-Up Exhibition, Thailand

Rexy TSENG. Summer Heat, Acrylic on canvas, 50 x 50 cm 

Samuli BLATTER, Strange Attractor 10, Pencil on Paper, 100 x 70 cm, 2019

CHEN I-Hsuen, Still Life Analysis II: the Island, Archival Inkjet Print, 24x36 inch, 2015

Sarah BRONSARD, Èbe, Co-creation with Patrick Saint-Denis, 2018, © On the photo: Sarah Bronsard Photo by Frederic Chais

Mia CABALFIN &Rhosam PRUDENCIADO JR., Pahayag (Expression), Youkobo Art Space, 2019

Annie Jael KWAN, Being Present 2019, 2019, Live Performance by Nicholas Tee, for "Being Present" at the Manchester Art Gallery

Related Event

Talks by residing creators

*Cancellation of this event

Title  Talks by residing creators OPEN STUDIO 2019-2020/ March
Date March 14 (Sat) and March 15 (Sun)
Creator3/14 (Sat)
<International Creator Residency Program>
Martyna MILLER(Poland | Mixed media, performance)
Charinthorn RACHURUTCHATA (Thailand | Photography, Mixed media) 

<Institutional Recommendation Program>
Sarah BRONSARD (Canada | Choreography, Mixed media) 

<Research Residency Program>
Mia CABALFIN & Rhosam PRUDENCIADO JR. (Philippines | Performance, Dance)  

3/15 (Sun) 
<International Creator Residency Program>
KIM Jihee(Korea | Painting, Drawing)
Rexy TSENG (Taiwan | Painting, Installation)

<Exchange Residency Program>
Samuli BLATTER (Switzerland | Drawing)
CHEN I-Hsuen (Taiwan | Photography, Film)

<Research Residency Program>
Annie Jael KWAN (United Kingdom, Southeast Asia | Curation, Writing) 
Moderator3/14 (Sat) 
(Program Officer, The Saison Foundation)

3/15 (Sun)
(Chief Curator of the Department of Programs Development, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo)

*No booking required / With Japanese-English interpretation.
*Programs are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.

Gallery Tour

*Cancellation of this event

TOKAS staff will introduce residing creators’ activities and researches at each exhibition space.

Title   OPEN STUDIO 2019-2020/ March
Gallery Tour
Date March 14 (Sat) and March 15 (Sun)

*No booking required / Available only in Japanese.

Participating Creator

CHEN I-Hsuen
KIM Jihee
Annie Jael KWAN
Martyna MILLER

Our Facilities