OPEN STUDIO 2017-2018/November

Open Studio

OPEN STUDIO 2017-2018/November




TitleOPEN STUDIO 2017-2018/November
Date2017.11.10(Fri) - 2017.11.12(Sun)
Time11:00 - 17:00
OrganizeTokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Arts Program and Residency Division
VenueTOKAS Residency
Artist<International Creator Residency Program>
Prapat JIWARANGSAN (Thailand| Photography, Video)

<Exchange Residency Program>
Hugh DAVIES (Australia| Game)
Martin EBNER (Germany| Installation, Video)
Simo KELLOKUMPU (Finland| Choreography, Research)
Leonor Serrano RIVAS (UK, Spain| Video-installation, Sculpture)

<Institutional Recommendation Program>
Abdelkader BENCHAMMA (France| Drawing)
Michel HUNEAULT (Canada| Photography, Video)

<Research Residency Program>
Rowan GEDDIS (UK, Sweden| Curation)
WANG Chong (China| Performance)

*Exhibits Only
Barbara CUETO (Germany| Curation)
Stefanie GAUS & Jana ESKE (Germany, Switzerland| Film, Curation)
Seyit Battal KURT (The Netherlands| Video, Installation)
Heather B. SWANN (Australia| Sculpture, Drawing)

"OPEN STUDIO" is the special opportunity for the audience to see creative activities by residing creators and hear their talks and a dialogue with guest speakers.

13 groups/14 creators will introduce their works and activities with images, videos and drawings, and 8 of them will give talks on 11/11 (Sat).
On 11/12 (Sun) , there will be a special event "Drawing Tube vol.3" by Abdelkader BENCHAMMA, who is one of the world's leading artists in contemporary drawing scene and has shown works at 54th Venice Biennale (2011), The Drawing Center (New York, 2015) and Sharjah Biennial 13 (2017), with SUZUKI Hiraku, who explores and seeks to expand the realm of drawing (a participant of Tokyo Wonder Site residency programs in 2007-2008, and Exchange Residency Program in 2011).

Facility tour / Information Display:
- Visitors will have an opportunity to see the rooms and common spaces where creators stay and communicate with each other.
- We provide the information on the partner institutions of exchange residency programs and answer any inquiries by visitors.

Partner Institutions:
Berlin city, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/ Bethanien (Berlin, Germany)
Matadero Madrid (Madrid, Spain)
The Finnish Cultural Foundation, HIAP (Helsinki International Artist Programme) (Helsinki, Finland)
Asialink, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (Melbourne, Australia)

Prapat JIWARANGSAN 《Dust Under Feet》 2012, 60x120x150 cm.,
tiny Photographs and Magnifier

Hugh DAVIES 《Summer Wind Machine》 2016, found object, calligraphy 60cm x 40cm x 30cm
© Hugh Davies in collaboration with Yoko Nakazawa

Martin EBNER 《D'Izi》 Installation video, 2017 
©Espace d'Art Contemporain 14°N 61°W, Fort de France

Simo KELLOKUMPU 《A dancemat》 Performative installation, 2017 
©courtesy of the artist (image: Vincent Roumagnac)

Leonor Serrano RIVAS 《Recurrent Patterns》
2016 (video installation) Wood, fabric, video projection 13m42s
©Photo: Oscar Romero

Michel HUNEAULT 《Onagawa no2》 
2015, 61 x 92 cm,
inkjet print.Post Tohoku

Rowan GEDDIS 《Hunger for Pictures》
Hunger for Pictiures, 2016, various- installation, vidoe, photo, performance

WANG Chong 《Lu Xun》

Related Event

DateNovember 11 (Sat) 14:00-16:00 Talks by residing creators  
November 12 (Sun) 14:00-16:00 Drawing + Talk "Drawing Tube vol.3" Abdelkader BENCHAMMA × SUZUKI Hiraku 

*No reservation necessary / With Japanese - English interpreter
*Programs may change due to unavoidable reasons. 

"OPEN STUDIO" is the special opportunity for the audience to see creative activities by residing creators and hear their talks and a dialogue with guest speakers.

13 groups/14 creators will introduce their works and activities with images, videos and drawings, and 8 of them will give talks on 11/11 (Sat).
On 11/12 (Sun) , there will be a special event "Drawing Tube vol.3" by Abdelkader BENCHAMMA, who is one of the world's leading artists in contemporary drawing scene and has shown works at 54th Venice Biennale (2011), The Drawing Center (New York, 2015) and Sharjah Biennial 13 (2017), with SUZUKI Hiraku, who explores and seeks to expand the realm of drawing (a participant of Tokyo Wonder Site residency programs in 2007-2008, and Exchange Residency Program in 2011).

Participating Creator

Stefanie GAUS (Stefanie GAUS & Jana ESKE)

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