Res Artis General Meeting 2012 TOKYO

Res Artis General Meeting 2012 TOKYO

Worldwide Network of Artist Residencies

External Work


TitleConnect with the world!
Worldwide Network of Artist Residencies / Res Artis General Meeting 2012 TOKYO Japan will be held in the autumn of 2012!
Date2012.10.26(Fri) - 2012.10.28(Sun)
9:30 - 18:00
All Days Pass 30,000 JPY  One Day Pass 13,000 JPY Student - One Day Pass 1,800 JPY
 Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan(tentative), Tokyo Metropolitan Government, The Res Artis General Meeting 2012 TOKYO Japan Committee
United Nations University and the others
Registration on October 25th and Excursion on October 29th
United Nations University U Thant International Conference Hall, Tokyo Women’s Plaza

"New Horizons for Creative Platforms, A Constellation of Cultures
-An Asia, Middle East and Global Network"

In the span of a few years, we have been forced to reconsider our world. The world after 9.11, the political uprisings in the Middle East and 3.11 in Japan. As we enter the 21st century, we also are faced with an environmental crisis of overwhelming proportions, the collapse of economic systems and the collision between East and West. 

There is no way that such agendas and art are unrelated. As ideal breeding ground for intercultural dialogue and the production of new ways of approaching our world, residencies have an important role to play in opening up exciting possibilities and glimpses of new horizons. With this Conference, we will discuss these compelling issues with cultural leaders throughout the world.

We also aim to use this opportunity to consider the role of institutions in Asia and the Middle East - regions where cultural currents are rapidly forming and collaborating and networking can create great impacts. Asian residencies, in particular, need to consider their cultural strength. Cooperation here is not based on a single, unifying system or set of values; it is an approach that recognizes and embraces differences. Just as a star exists as an individual entity within a constellation, we will explore how new cultural constellations can be formed by single stars united through collaboration and how global networks can help facilitate this goal. 

Date 2012/10/26 (Fri.) -28 (Sun.), Registration on 10/25 (Thu.) and Excursion on 10/29 (Mon.)-30(Tue.)
Main venues U Thant International Conference Hall (United Nations University), Tokyo Women's Plaza 
Organizer Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan(tentative), Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Res Artis General Meeting 2012 TOKYO Japan Committee Co-organizer United Nations University and the others (tentative)

→For details, please refer to the website of the Res Artis General Meeting 2012 Tokyo 

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