Live Talk & Music

Live Talk & Music

If The Universe is at Anytime What You Say It Is...Then Say It

Event Date:2011/1/19 (Wed) 19:00 - 21:00
Venue:TWS Hongo
Artists:Erick Pereira, Yutaka Sone & Friends

Artist Statement
If The Universe is at Anytime What You Say It Is...Then Say It ー Erick Pereira   
The concept of this sculpture is that the moon circles the space with power provided by the sun. This project represents an attempt to avoid a double bind. The sculpture as model for a selfperpetuating body provided that the conditional necessities are met, the model can neither agree or disagree with its condition, it rises and sets with the sun. Unlike the usual no-win situation, there is difficulty defining the exact nature of the paradoxical situation in which it is. Contradictions may not be immediately evident, but only become so when a prior context is considered. Typically, a demand is imposed upon the subject by an external force, but the demand itself is inherently impossible to fulfill, because some broader context forbids it. This model is a controlled environment, a Double-Blind/Double-Bind, an ongoing experiment in an attempt to exist within a closed-circuit of its own balanced anarchy.

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