KUNO Azusa

KUNO Azusa


1980 geboren in Nagoya (Japan), finished Meister Course for Fine Art at University of Arts, Berlin. She took part of some important group shows such as: "hortus semper virens" (2014, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin), "ROTROTROT" (2014, Schau Fenster, Berlin), "Infinity Jetzt" (2014, Kreuzberg Pavillon, Berlin), "Baumann&Fuchs"(2011 Anton von Werner Haus, Berlin), "Babel, we are not mad with you!"(2011, Rondo, Graz). She is scholar of Bernhard-Heilliger-Foundation 2013, she got also grant from Akademie der Künste (2012) and DAAD (2011). In 2011 she was choosen as scholar by State Styria (Austria) and joined five month Artist in Residence Programm. She has prized Blooom Award 2010. Azusa Kuno is going to join a group show in Bergen (Norway) this August, more information are in her HP.

About works / performance

I search for, and shed light on, the relationship between the individual, the individual's body and society. In this constellation, I see the human body as a field onto which different things - information, power, desire, etc. - are transmitted between the individual and society. In the last five years, I have used human hair as the main material in my artistic work on this subject because of its diverse qualities. On the one hand, hair is often the basis for cultural stereotypes like sexuality, personal identity, beauty, etc. On the other, the hair I use in my project was once part of someone's body and every single strand of hair contains a great deal of intimate information, such as mitochondrial DNA, information on a person's health and diet, etc.

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