update: 2015.1.1
Born in 1980. Graduated from Musashino Art Univesity Molding department Sculpture subject in 2004. He makes wooden sculptures in the motifs of self-portrait and jellyfish.
Recent 5 main exhibitions are "Tokyo Wonder Wall 2012" (2013 / Tokyo Metropolitan Goverment Building), "Tokyo Wonder Wall 2012" (2012 / Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo), "POCORART National open call Exhibition vol.3" (2012 / Arts Chiyoda 3331), "POCORART National open call Exhibition vol.2" (2012 / Arts Chiyoda 3331), "Nakanojyo Biennale 2009" (2009 / Nakanojyo, Gunma).
Awarded grand prix at Tokyo Wonder Wall 2012, sculpture-installation section and selected at "POCORART National open call Exhibition vol.2 and vol.3".