Merce Rodrigo GARCíA

Merce Rodrigo GARCíA

update: 2016.10.1

Merce Rodrigo GARCíA
Architecture, Design
Other ((Social Theory, Anthropology))
Institutional Recommendation Program (2016.8 - 2016.9)
Open Studio (2016.11 - 2016.11)

Graduated from Bartlett School of Architecture, University of London in 2000.
Recent 5 main activities are;
Artist in residence (UN-SCALE. Frontier /2016/ Dar Al-Ma'mun, Marrakech)
Multifaceted event (OrNamenT Epiphanies: TOKYO /2014/Café Oto, London)
Multifaceted public 3-day event (OrNamenTTokYo /2011/ AAN Art Autonomy Network)
Architecture workshop (/2011/ UIA 2011 24th triennial world congress of Architecture)
Group exhibit (The Age of Antimodernism/ 2011/ Kunstverein Munich)

Merce Rodrigo García is a London based architect and PhD candidate at Birkbeck College. She obtained an MArch from Research Architecture Goldsmiths having completed her Architecture degrees at the Bartlett. She is a founding member of the transdisciplinary duo OrNamenT with Dr. Verina Gfader and initiator of the program UN-SCALE, which begins with parallel researches in West Sahara and Tokyo. She teaches architectural history and theory at the Architectural Association, has previously taught design at Oxford Brooks University and been a research fellow at Tokyo Institute of Technology. She was recipient of a Canon foundation in Europe research fellowship and selected for various mobility and exhibition awards in relation to art/research residencies and symposia. She has practiced architectural design, organized events and published internationally.

About works / performance

6.3G Dam_Merce.jpg

Going Up
Research on the Three Gorges Dam ©Kristina Hertel


20 Years
Research on Monsanto's court case

Workshop 2011 ©Hikaru Fujii


UIA 2011 Tokyo
Architecture Workshop ©Kohsuke Uchino

5.Wall Street_Merce.jpg
Going Up
Resin model ©Kristina Hertel

2. Remix-seed ball_Merce.jpg
Urban walk 2011 ©BCL

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