
Born in 1990. Lives and works in Antwerp. Anna Godzina graduated with a MA from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp (Installation Art). She is represented in the collections of a.o. the M HKA in Antwerp, the Flemish Community, and the Verbeke Foundation, as well as in numerous private collections.

Recent exhibitions and activities
2023 "My Rhino is not a Myth" Art Encounters Biennale, Timisoara, Romania
2023 "Horology" Art Partout Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
2022 "Noetic" iMAL, Brussels
2021 "A Room of One’s Own" M HKA, Antwerp, Belgium
2020 "Future Archaeology" ERGO Collective, Athens

Recent Awards
2019 Hugo Roelandt Prize
2019 Mathilde Horlait-Dapsens Foundation Prize
2019 STRT Schot prize

About works

Godzina's strongly existential and committed work departs from autobiographical elements, as well as observations she makes during walks of urban situations or the convergence of objects in time and space. Her work is animistic in nature, conceiving of matter as an active substance. In the installations she presents, the in situ qualities of the exhibition space play an important role, as well as the fluidity between objects, time, space, sound and movement.

Horology 2023
Iron, engines, bamboo branches, stones, wooden containers, hour hands, minute hands, second hands, pendulums, rope
Variable dimensions

A Room of One’s Own 2021
Electric engine, bearing system, gas tube, metal
5.20m x 0.55m x 0.55m

Future Archaeology 2020
Metal tubes, metal chains, electric engines, fluorescent tubes, electrical timers, light bulb, water
Variable dimensions

Spatial Displacement 2020
Trees, ropes, electric engine
6m x 2m x 2m

Noetic 2022
Iron, magnets, electric engines
60cm x 60cm x 15cm

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