update: 2016.7.1


Born in 1972. Graduated from Stockholm University with a Degree of Master of Arts with a Major in Communication Studies in 2000.

Recent 5 main activities are;

Presentation by Lars Carlén at Open Studio at Tokyo Wonder Site Residency/2016. Tokyo, Japan

Workshop: Lars Carlén, Dan Lorentzon and Kjell Martinsson: "Nu sänker vi trösklarna!"/2016/Lidingö, Sweden

Workshop: Lars Carlén "Att bygga varumärke"/2016/Haninge, Sweden

Book: Lars Carlén and Richard von Essen: "Bli en varumärkesbyggare"/2010/Sweden

Book: Lars Carlén: "Varumärket på Internet"/2002/Sweden

I have written articles for newspapers and magazines. I wrote the book “Bli en varumärkesbyggare" together with Richard von Essen and I wrote the book "Varumärket på Internet". Many of the texts I have written are about branding and marketing and I have also delivered workshops about those subjects. Today when I mostly write about fine art, I find it very exciting to see what is common and what is different between branding/advertising and fine art. To compare the art market with branding is something I find interesting.

I am currently working with arranging activities to promote how businesses and organizations can interact with the world of fine art. I also write about this.

These days I usually write about how fine art and the world of business can collaborate to create win-win situations. Sculpture, photography, theatre and painting are areas that I write about, as well as design and popular culture. I mainly collect information through interviews with creators and other people involved in these kinds of projects. Reading about fine art and design and experiencing fine art and design are other ways to collect information. Before I started to write art critique, I mainly wrote about online marketing, sales and branding and the focus then was often to write about the communication effects. When I write about fine art and design, I’m also interested in covering the communication effects.

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