Born in 1972 in Poland. Graduated from  School for Social Workers  in 1996. 
Recent 5 main activities are 
 - DP1 Project (Mai 2013, Centrum w Ruchu in Warsaw, Poland)  - showing a work in progress(music, video) Lodz Czterech Kultur Festival  (Mai 2013, Lodz, Poland) - video art and photography
 - BCD (April 2013 in Gdansk, Poland) - improvised performance by Bergmann (guitar), Chlewinska(dance, voice) and Dziewanowicz(drums)
 - OFF AGE (February 2013, Gdansk, Poland) visual art and music for social project with old people 
 - "A Behanding in Spokane" (October 2012, Tarnow, Poland) - visual art and music for drama performance

Tomek Bergmann is a polish independent visual artist, operator, photographer, musician. As a photographer he has been cooperating with the most popular magazines like : Your Style, Playboy,  Cosmopolitan , Machine, Fluid, Elle.  Since 1997 he's a leader of experimental polish band „Mordy", recorded  4 albums, concerted in Poland and Europe. Since 2008 he has been cooperating with theater and dance as a visual artist, camera-man and editor. He was awarded for infomercial movies like SITE OF THE DAY - on'  for animated infomercial movie ,Bohater codziennosci''(2009) or Webstar Creative - for the best polish team directed by Tomek Bergmann (2010).

About works / performance
I'm interested in experimental art in music, video, photography and theater. I like to collaborate with performers, dancers, drama directors. The most important to me seems to be creation it self in different fields of art. 

Friend Leon, 2008, Photo Tomek Bergmann

Day to Day Hero, 2009, Photo Tomek Bergmann

Apuka, 2012, Photo Tomek Bergmann

X, 2009, Photo Tomek Bergmann

Janerka, 2010, Photo Tomek Bergmann

Jesus, 2011, Photo Tomek Bergmann

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