OPEN SITE 9 | Open Call Program【Exhibition】
This work incorporates a variety of power generation mechanisms: a microbial fuel cell that symbiotically interacts with plants, an algal battery harnessing photosynthesis, and a fuel cell powered by the electrolysis of water. Minor electrical currents produced by each mechanism are channeled back to the plants, with the goal of boosting their growth through electrical stimulation. The work offers an opportunity to reconsider fundamental natural cycles and explore the relationship between the natural world and electricity as a human tool.
Period | 2025/1/11 (Sat) - 2/9 (Sun) |
Closed | Mondays (Except 1/13), 1/14 |
Time | 11:00-19:00 |
Admission | Free |
Venue | Tokyo Arts and Space Hongo: Space A (1F) |
Support | Project to Support Emerging Media Arts Creators, 2024 |
Research Cooperation | KAKEHI Yasuaki and Yasuaki Kakehi Lab., The University of Tokyo |
Special Thanks | ABE Nobutaka, ITO Riori, KAGAWA Mai, SASAKI Yumi, SAKURA Rei, TAKAHASHI Hiroaki, TASAKI Katsuya, HAYASHI Miki, MIZUNO Tsuneo, YOSHIDA Tomofumi, NISOUL Co., Ltd., MACRW Co., Ltd. |
Doriftwood | HAGIWARA Ryota |
Energeia Cycle Photo:Dorita Takido
Energeia Cycle
Photo: Yasuaki Kakei, and his lab at The University of Tokyo
Energeia Cycle Photo:Dorita Takido
Date | 1/18 (Sat) 14:00- |
Contents | In this workshop, participants will create a kit that uses microbial fuel cells to send small amounts of electricity to plant sprouts and observe their growth. |
Language | Japanese |
Admission | Free (Reservation required) |
Ticket bookings available from 14:00 on November 1!
Go to the booking website (Peatix).
*Peatix account required to book tickets.
Date | 2/2 (Sun) 17:00- |
Guest | NAGATA Kosuke (Artist), etc. |
Language | Japanese |
Admission | Free (No reservation required) |
Takido Dorita synthesizes divergent functions and senses, delivering experiences that disrupt conventional perceptions and create new connections between humans and other life forms. Among her works are those that explore evolutionary potential by probing the intersection of robotics, biology, and botany, including by equipping plants with artificial muscles. Recent exhibitions: “Japan Media Arts Festival exhibition ‘AUDIBLE SENSES’,” Omotedando Hills Space O, Tokyo, 2022, etc.