Hydro Blast (OTA Shingo)|Ghosts take a taxi


Hydro Blast (OTA Shingo)|Ghosts take a taxi

OPEN SITE 2018-2019 Open Call Program【Performance】


TitleOPEN SITE 2018-2019 Open Call Program【Performance】
Hydro Blast (OTA Shingo)|Ghosts take a taxi
Date2019.2.9(Sat) - 2019.2.11(Mon)
Admission¥2,000(Booking required)
OrganizeTokyo Arts and Space, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture
SubsidizeARTS COMMISSION YOKOHAMA, The Saison Foundation
M.Mattina, kuukankikaku, chelfitsch, DUDES, OKAMOTO Akiko, SAKAI Kiyoshi, Residency PACT Zollverein
 2/ 9(Sat) 19:00- Finished.
2/10(Sun) 14:00- / 19:00- Finished.
2/11(Mon) 14:00-
Writer / DirecterOTA Shingo
PerformerMORI Hayato, NOBORI Yoshiki, Ayuko, KOMIYA Kazuha
VenueTokyo Arts and Space Hongo
Web site

Redefine "ghost" as an act of "thinking to the dead". Not a noun. Based on that definition, the actor rides a taxi against the "dead" he wishes to see, and imagines, interviews with the dead, and interacts with the dead. An attempt to perform the text written through the process while making full use of the body and video. Question abstraction of "boundary" or "territory" with original methodology which fused method of "dance" "rakugo" "documentary".

"Four waves" 2018 ST Spot

Ticket Information

  • Booking for the performance on 2/11 (Mon) is closed. A few tickets without reservation available at the door.(2019.2.7) 
  • Booking for the performance on 2/9 (Sat) is closed. A few tickets without reservation available at the door.(2019.2.8)
  • Booking for the performance on 2/10 (Sun) is closed. A few tickets without reservation available at the door.(2019.2.9)
*Additional Ticket

1. Visit reception desk and receive number card from 60 minutes before performance starts.
2. Buy ticket, enter the venue in numerical order from 5 minutes before performance starts.


Established in 2018 by Shingo Ota, film and television director and actor. Based in Kanagawa. Injects all the boundaries and interruptions of life into the viewer's experience using drama as a tool, while securing the diversity of society.

*The title and a part of the contents has been changed.(2018.10.27)
*Due to the schedule, the cast has been changed from KAWASAKI Mariko to Ayuko. (2018.12.4)
*Due to the personal reasons, the following casts have withdrawn : SHISHI Doromi, SHIIHASHI Ayana, OOYAMA Mio. (2018.12.25)

Related Event

After Talk
TitleHydro Blast (OTA Shingo)|Ghosts take a taxi OPEN SITE 2018-2019 Open Call Program
After Talk
Schedule① 2/9(Sat) 19:00-
Guest: MIZOGUCHI Takafusa (Sanwa Kotsu)

② 2/10(Sun) 14:00-
Guest: TSUNEMITSU Toru (Folklorist, writer)

③ 2/10(Sun) 19:00-
Guest: Oshima Teru (Manager of the Oshimaland)

④ 2/11(Mon) 14:00-
Guest: SASAKI Toshinao (Journalist)
Important points *Available only in Japanese.

Participating Creator

OTA Shingo

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