Tsumugine "○"


Tsumugine "○"

-OPEN SITE 2016-2017 Project A <Recommendation Program>



TitleTsumugine "○"
-OPEN SITE 2016-2017 Project A <Recommendation Program>
Date2017.3.25(Sat) - 2017.3.26(Sun)
TimeMar. 25 (Sat.) 15:00 (Doors Open: 14:30)
Mar. 25 (Sat.) 19:30 (Doors Open: 19:00)
Mar. 26 (Sun) 15:00 (Doors Open: 14:30)
Admission2,500 yen
Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture, Tokyo Wonder Site
VenueTWS Hongo
Yasuno Miyauchi, Akiko Urahata, Nao Oshima, Killii Tsutsui, Arisa Yokote

"○" is Tsumugine's new performance work. The title has many meanings - circle, community, all things, and emptiness. The title transcends language and refers to the origin of everything. This is like a ceremony which may be held at the beginning of spring to celebrate a return to the source and rebirth.

Ticket Information

Date: March 25 (Sat.), 26(Sun.), 2017
Mar. 25 (Sat.) 15:00 (Doors Open: 14:30)
Mar. 25 (Sat.) 19:30 (Doors Open: 19:00)
Mar. 26 (Sun) 15:00 (Doors Open: 14:30)
Venue: Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo
Ticket: 2,500 yen   

  1. 1. Booking should be made by E-mail or Fax. Email: ticket@tokyo-ws.org / Fax: 03-5689-7501
  2. 2. Please inform us of your name, phone number, date/ time/ name of the performance and number of tickets with a subject of "Booking for OPEN SITE". (On booking by Fax, please let us know your Fax number, too.)
  3. 3. Payment should be made at the venue on the day of performance.
  4. 4. Booking will be closed by 17:00 of the day before each performance, or as soon as the seats are fully booked. For the latest ticket information, please check this page.
  5. *Please note that program content may change due to inevitable reasons.
Booking Now Closed(26th)
Tickets available at door on 26th .
Please visit venue 60 minutes before each performance starts (14:00).
For more information, please contact: ticket@tokyo-ws.org



Profile Photo: Sound Performance Platform / Photo by Hatori Naoshi / Provided by Aichi Prefectural Art Theater

Tsumugine is a music performance group initiated by Yasuno Miyauchi, composer in 2008. They play by using mainly voice and keyboard harmonicas. Instead of reproducing a timeline which was created in advance, every member becomes a particle of the sound. The particles follow a simple rule, and everyone creates a sound while they're moving, colliding, changing, and fusing. The performance evolves spinning these spatial sounds together. Tsumugine aims for a music performance which is not only producing sounds, but extending to spatial and visual expression.

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