TOKYO EXPERIMENTAL FESTIVAL Vol.8 ― TEF Sound Installation Third Term
Title | TOKYO EXPERIMENTAL FESTIVAL Vol.8 ― TEF Sound Installation Third Term |
Date | 2013.11.23(Sat) - 2013.12.15(Sun) |
Time | 11:00 - 19:00
Admission | Free
Organize | Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture, Tokyo Wonder Site |
Venue | TWS Hongo |
Artist | Phoebe Hui, Koya Tarumi, Nao Nishiara |
TOKYO EXPERIMENTAL FESTIVAL (TEF) is a sound festival hosting a number of experimental performances and exhibitions in Tokyo, a city where new cultures and are always generated and various cultures intercross.
TEF Sound Installation in TWS Hongo introduces a series of sound installation exhibitions by artists whose approaches to the sound are different from one another. It consists of nine exhibitions, three projects at a time.
*Review by jury members of TEF Open Call Program is here
TEF Sound Installation First Term ≫
TEF Sound Installation Second Term ≫
Phoebe Hui "Mediators"

In this exhibition, I want to explore the idea of equivalence and non-hierarchical thinking in the context of digital media, paying particular attention to the role of the "new" as a crucial theme of contemporary art. My work aims at opening up a field of sounds that are continuous rather than discrete which are also not restricted to the classical pitched system. How can sonic artists make use of continuous and unpitched sounds? What methods of organization can replace the traditional methods of selecting and combining sounds?
:Phoebe Hui, pseudonym Jinger, was born and raised in Hong Kong. She is an interdisciplinary artist and researcher primarily working in the relationship between language, sound and technology. Hui received her terminal degree in Media art at UCLA and Master of Arts in Fine Art at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design. She is the recipient of a number of grants and awards, including HKADC Young Artist Award (Media Art) 2011, Asian Cultural Council Altius Fellow, Bloomberg Emerging Artist Award.
http://www.earthlinginger.comThis exhibition is made possible with the Arts Development Fund of the Home Affairs Bureau, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Koya Tarumi "Arousal or Boredom"
Under the theme of "seeing sound", this work expresses sounds in a visible way.
Exchanging our senses of sight and hearing awakes a new perception.
In front of the wall where embedded speakers vibrate silently, viewers will exercise their imagination to appreciate inaudible sounds.
Born in Gifu, 1987. Lives and works in Tokyo.
Currently Tarumi studies for his MA in Design at Tokyo University of the Arts.
He addresses "Design of consciousness " to exchange "Imagination thinking" with people. His works are not bound by expertise and stereotype in the cross field of arts and music.
Nao Nishihara "Sound Cracks"

The extreme insufficiency of information or anticipation makes our consciousness suspended and blank. I call this process 'the cracks between consciousnesses' and I consider this state to make people obtain multiple potentialities. In this state one struggles against a sense of insecurity but at the same time he/she becomes full of curiosity, and at this point the somatic sensation and the boundary of self is shifting. As a result you can bare all possibilities that you can have. This is the experiment provoked inside you and on your own.
Born in 1976, Nishihara works arts on sounds. He received his BA (Musical Creativity and the Environment) in 2009 and MFA (Inter Media Art) in 2011 from Tokyo University of the Arts. His main activities include two solo exhibitions, "Deaf Cane" (2011, explosion tokyo) and "under 35 gallery" (2011, Shin Minatomura: A Small City for the Future, Shinko Pier, Yokohama). He is also a co-translator of Alan Licht's "Sound Art" with Kazue Kobata and Hiroshi Egaitsu (2010, Filmart-Sha Co;Ltd.).
Related Event
11.24(Sun) 14:00- *Available only in Japanese
Guest: Yoshitaka Mouri (Socologist / Associate Professor, Department of Musical Creativity and the Environment, Tokyo University of the Arts)
11.24 (Sun) 15:45-16:30 Nao Nishihara
11.30 (Sat) 14:00-15:00 Koya Tarumi
11.30 (Sat) 15:15-16:15 Phoebe Hui
12.7 (Sat) 14:00-14:45 Nao Nishihara
12.7 (Sat) 15:00-16:00 Koya Tarumi
12.14 (Sat) 14:00-14:45 Nao Nishihara
Participating Creator
Fong Wah Phoebe HUI